This question must surely be at the top of the list for someone not quite sure about choosing to maintain their own website.
In an effort to clarify all you need to do when your site is up and running and you want to add something new, please read through the following guide showing a couple of the most common edits website owners perform routinely.
How do I edit my site?
All you need to know is your web-address and your password which can be completely your own choice.
For example go to the address bar of your webbrowser and type your website-address provided by us. and the following login window will appear.
You can either use a user_name or your email address and your chosen password to enter the dashboard for your site.
What you see is a Black selection bar on the left hand side , highlighting the section you are in …in Blue (in this case I am editing a post, actually this post). To the right of the Black section will lie the edit window.
So you simply type in this window……
as you see above. The grey toolbar above the text window holds lots of options for (l-r)…Bold Letters / Italics / Strike-through . Then there is the option of adding bullet points like
- Easy as Pie
- Looks Stylish
Numbered bullet points come next and basically lots of options to change the look of your text exist and you simply just need to play around with them. So what does this look like as its stands? Simply press Publish at the top right hand corner of the page and visit the site which can be done by selecting visit site on placing the mouse over your website name / Home symbol.
On a widescreen it looks something like this……
While on a narrow mobile screen it will look like this…..
So , that is all you need to do to add a news item to your site…..but of course some pictures will help a lot in attracting and maintaining your audience. For these you simply select the Add Media button at the top left of the screen.
This will pull up a window allowing you to upload your image of choice from your computer.
Simply select from existing website library of images you see before you or select Upload Files….to get images from your computer.
Then simply press Select Files and browse to where the images are on your computer.
Once there simply select the correct image for your news item, choose the correct size from the pull down options and press Insert into post. In the above example I have selected a recent family photo in the top left hand corner of the gallery , which has resulted in the full sized image below.

The Bain Family @ CIT Graduation
You can add links and captions to the images and indeed text to take the viewer to other locations….all very easy, but I wont go into that just now.
So thats it….simply press Publish or Update to keep your changes and you’re done. You are currently reading about the construction of this post and can see the results….bright , clear and matching the rest of the website in appearance. You can do the same for pages , which are just the areas of your website that don’t change very often.
You simply logout at the end in the top right hand corner and wait for your feedback from your friends, customers.
I hope this helps! Dave
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