After your website has been produced there are standard running charges incurred in maintaining a 24/7 world wide web presence amounting to ~ 70 -100 €.
These charges are completely separate from any charges you may incur if you ask the designer to make changes / additions to your website.
Website Hosting
- An external company that runs your website 24/7
- Blacknight, Myhost are typical examples
- Annual cost per website ~ 50€ (falls to 120€ for 3 years)
Your computer is only used to make access the website to process orders, make changes etc but does not hold the data.
Domain Registration
- .ie registrations typically 20€ per annum
You need to register ownership of your web address (domain) and pay an annual charge for same. You can register domains in other countries or other formats …such as .irish or .com etc The cost of these options is variable. An address that is registered .ie will tend to show up first on Google Searching via Irish computers. (.uk for British based computers etc)
You can have the same site in numerous countries with all of the web addresses redirected to the same core website. This may be advantageous for international traders.
To see if your ideal business web address is available visit the domain registration site at Blacknight and type in your proposal.
Web Address AvailabilitySSL Certification
This certificate is a must for on-line ecommerce transactions assuring potential customers that your site is secure and their transaction details are safe.
This costs ~30€ per annum, but can be reduced over longer timeframes / use on multiple websites.
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