For each and every website Google provides another guage as to how well your site is working through their analytics service. This is free and should become a key part of your planning process in to maximising the return from your website.
Not only can you see how many people are visiting your site over time but you can see how long they stay on your site, what page they land on, how they get there etc etc

Analytics Overview 2 years
The above graph shows how many visitors per week , how many pages they viewed and how long they stayed on each page. Just one of many views of the behaviour of your customers.

Location of these visitors
The location of your website visitors can be broken down by country, city etc to allow you to target advertising , promotion or perhaps just web content to improve visitor rate still further.
The graph above shows how the visitor got there.
- Organic Search – via Search Engine
- Direct – Direct link from a bookmark, web address, web history
- Referral – from a link on another site outside of the Search Engine
- Social – link from Social Media Referral
This is just a glimpse of the vast amount of information Google Analytics supplies which can show you what is working and perhaps more importantly what isn’t working with respect to getting extra traffic to your site.
Further packages can more specifically link sales to customers allowing for more targetted advertising, promotion based on the data from current customers.
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