We use WordPress for the construction of your website for the following reasons.

  •  WordPress is  used by millions across the globe and is therefore flexible, easy to use and robust.
  • WordPress is continuously updated to take advantage of improvements in security, design and new web applications.
  • WordPress offers incredible flexibility and functionality allowing you to change the activities and appearance of your web page easily.
  • WordPress offers a huge variety of design templates to give an elegant  fully responsive professional look to your site.
  • WordPress has a vast arrange of ‘plug-in’ capabilities which are free.
    • Image galleries
    • E commerce
    • Video
    • Social Media links
    • Google maps  etc etc
  • These can fully integrate your business presence on the internet.
  • WordPress is an open source system such that you can easily move your website to an alternative designer or webhost.



Think of WordPress as something akin to microsoft or google. It is everywhere, therefore any bugs that arise are quickly solved…..new features are quickly adopted …and it is designed for use by everyone!

It may look daunting but after it is set up it is no more difficult to edit and maintain your webpage than it does to write an email. Read how easy it is to use WordPress below with a step by step description of creating a new page/post.


Ease of Use


To see examples of other WordPress plug-in features press below.

Wordpress Features


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